地 址:无锡惠山区洛社镇双庙工业园
邮 编:214189
固 话:0510-83312258
传 真:0510-83321939
手 机:13812503025
邮 箱:99018954@QQ.com


更新时间:2015-02-08 05:15:42 点击次数:83次



  Large electric sliding door is mainly used in large hole with large height and width, and more applicable to the field of airports, aircraft maintenance center, large-scale industrial plants,etc.

  With the professional the BT201 touch screen control system, it can make intuitive detection and electric control.





  Processing method:

  All the steel structure must be pre-professed in advance.

  We only connect them with bolt in the project site, must ensure the accuracy.


  Control method:

  We use professionally designed control panel for control system, effectively guarantee the running stability of the door, convenience in maintenance and upgrading, as well as high reliability.


  Material: both power supply line and control system of the door are imported from abroad, with high reliability. The inspection window is firstly made of 40mm thick jack polycarbonate sheet, with good thermal insulation, high light transmittance, light weight, strong impact resistance and can effectively prevent the ultraviolet light going through.




无锡车库门 遥控车库门 电动车库门 工业门 快速卷帘门 工业提升门 工业滑升门生产厂家 无锡双羊门业科技有限公司 2015权所有
公司地址:中国·江苏省无锡市惠山区洛社镇双庙工业园 邮编:214189
24小时客服热线:400-8615-822 电话:0510-83312258 手机:13812503025 苏ICP备14041131号 技术支持:搜网信息