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更新时间:2015-02-08 04:34:59 点击次数:1807次




  Metal high speed rolling door is a new high-tech product developed by ShuangYang Company through introduction of foreign advanced technology.

  The advent of metal high speed rolling door renew the concept of industrial door, the technology is in the advanced level in the world. Metal High-speed rolling door can maintain a good seal in both high and low pressure. Can withstand hurricane of over 120km/s.The max opening speed can reach as fast as 3m/s ,which can be adjustable according to different size. This door is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has many characteristics like high availability, reliability, durability, easy operation and low noise. It is best choice for busy entrances of chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, food processing and other fields.








  高速门门体的表面非常平滑, 所有移动的部件都严格按照欧洲安 全标准 ( D IN EN 12604 ) 设计。

    High speed door's surface is very smooth, and all moving parts are strictly designed in accord

  ance with European Safety standard (D IN EN 12604).



  全透明板条也可保持长年清晰透明。板条是按摸块化设计, 可以随时更换。抗强风、高度密封性以及低噪音等性能是其他产品无法比拟的。

    Transparent laths can be maintained clear and transparent for a long time; with modular design, the lath can be replaced at any time. Enjoy unique advantages (withstand strong wind, high sealing and low noise, etc.)




    With spiral round non-contact track, the sectional curtains won't connect with each other when roll up, the curtain material won't wear, distort and run quickly without noise.



  高速驱动电机由变频器和微处理机控制, 一旦停电, 还可以通过手动操纵内部张紧构将门打开。

    High speed motor is controlled by inverter and microprocessor; we can manually open the door by operating the internal tension structure once power off.




    Each lath is screwed with the steel strips on both side of the curtain, which ensure the lath won't be pressed even if the curtains handling. The rolled steel trip can produce a vertical lifting movement of the door.




  When a barrier approaches, the door will produce precise infrared light curtains, which greatly

  increase the active and passive safety of high speed door's near area.




无锡车库门 遥控车库门 电动车库门 工业门 快速卷帘门 工业提升门 工业滑升门生产厂家 无锡双羊门业科技有限公司 2015权所有
公司地址:中国·江苏省无锡市惠山区洛社镇双庙工业园 邮编:214189
24小时客服热线:400-8615-822 电话:0510-83312258 手机:13812503025 苏ICP备14041131号 技术支持:搜网信息